Dave - Driver Support Coordinator


We’d like to introduce you to the team that drives us. As part of our #TeamSpotlight, we will be releasing interviews with various team members across all divisions at Q-Line.

One of the unique positions at Q-Line is the role of Driver Support Coordinator.

We know that quick, easy, and reliable access to support is critical for a driver to be successful. We sat down with Dave who is a Driver Support Coordinator at our Saskatoon terminal to learn more about the role and who he is as a person.

Enjoy the interview!

What is your role at Q-Line? How long have you been with Q-Line for?
I’ve been with Q-Line for 8 years and am currently a Driver Support Coordinator.

Can you describe what types of activities you’re involved with in your role? What does a typical day look like?
Giving direction to drivers on where and how they can get answers to their questions. Fielding driver complaints or concerns and directing them on to the appropriate department/person as needed. Plus, I also still dispatch a few trucks.

How often and what type of interactions do you have with drivers?
Dealing with new policies and procedures and explaining them to drivers. Where there’s equipment or operational issues, I also help deal with those.

What do you enjoy the most about your role?
The interaction with drivers on a regular basis is enjoyable. Being able to resolve an issue or solve a problem for a driver is also rewarding.

What are some of the challenges associated with your role?
When you’re not able to find a good resolution to a problem, it’s challenging. Some of the challenges that drivers experience are related to the industry or business and there’s sometimes little that can be done.

What does it take to be successful in working in the trucking industry?
I drove for 15 years and then came into the office in a variety of roles, including dispatch, and have been in my current role for almost 2 years. From an office perspective, being able to remember your own experiences while on the road was very helpful. Tailor your approach and remember what you liked and didn’t like. Remember where you come from.

For new drivers:
- Seek out veteran drivers to get advice and help as needed.
- For newer owner operators, be sure to ask questions – don’t be afraid to ask questions.

For newer people to the industry (non-driving):
Listen to driver’s feedback and take them to heart.
- Ask questions.
- Find other office staff who have driven previously and ask questions.

What are some hobbies you enjoy outside of work?
Sports orientated like hockey, football, baseball, and golf.

What’s the weirdest or most interesting job you’ve ever had?
Did some time as a security patrol and private investigator.

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
Air traffic control

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.
I’m a musician.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Learn new languages

What genre of music is your favourite?
Jazz/big band

What do you enjoy the most about working with Q-Line?
I appreciate the family-type environment here.

Thanks to Dave for taking the time to chat about himself, his position, and the importance of providing support to our drivers. Stay tuned for more interviews from the team that drives us!

Q-Line Trucking